
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Word of the day: Empowered

Today I am just on this "empowered" kick!  All I really feel like doing is creating some amazingly fierce outfit and rocking it while strutting myself down the street!  Rihanna's "What's My Name?" has literally been in my head all day.  Beauty is empowering.  Everyone is gorgeous at their core and has a completely unique personal style to draw out and express to the world. Shout your truth!  Shout it with words, with fashion, with color, and with a bounce in your step.  These music videos help me connect with my inner diva and compel me to dance, sing, and put on one amazing performance in the mirror.  I suggest you do the same.

How do you channel your inner diva? In addition to performing to my mirror, I get a big rush of empowerment when I am wearing heels and an upbeat song pops up on my ipod shuffle. I kinda zone out into Erin fantasy land and pretend I am on a runway, complete with my best attempt at a runway walk. Hey, I think it's pretty hot! Now get out there and empower yourselves with your style, grace, spirit, and aura ablaze.

With Fierce Love,

You get extra diva points if you attempt Beyonce's move at around 1:29 of her video. ; )

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