
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crafty Lady.

I consider myself to be a bit of a crafty lady. I'm sure if my blog has sparked any sort of interest in your sweet soul, you are quite crafty yourself. This Halloween, I took on a project of creating one of those stand-up, photo op cut outs you see from time to time (always makes me think of the final scene of Grease, anyone?) We had a big Halloween party at my office, and I was super excited to contribute. I was pretty pleased with the results of my creation and got a lot of positive feedback from my co-workers (a.k.a. a lot of, "Why do you work here when you are creative?" My sentiments exactly, gotta get on that "truly following my dreams" sitch.) Here are a few pictures of the display, both from work and later on that weekend after I had taken it home. We got a little excited about it in the wee hours of my Halloween party weekend. : )

Don't worry, my mouth isn't truly decaying. It was part of my Vampire costume at work.

By the time of the second photo, at about 3 a.m., the sign was showing some wear and tear. In the future, I would make the "face holes" smaller, but I was pretty tickled about creating this. I used a box from a big water heater, cut it in half so that it rested on the corner of one side. I spray painted the cardboard black, and designed the ghost and Frankenstein (slash Hulk, based on his outfit!) with my pen, construction paper, and scissors. I went through several glue sticks and the project took me about 2 hours. Lots of fun!

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